Different data feeds to build and supplement your own internal reporting
Tap into our free, publicly accessible carbon emissions, regional spot pricing and price variation data feeds. No authorisation required, check our integration guide for the details.
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Free |
Current Regional Price API: the average dispatch prices at five minute intervals for each region Price Last 24 Hours API: the price over the last 24 hours by node, based on interim prices which are published at the end of every trading period Current Carbon Intensity API: the aggregated recent carbon intensity for NZ in the last three trading periods |
Market Pricing feeds
Real time, forecast and historic price schedules for regions and nodes around the country.
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Market Dashboard |
Recent Load API: recent load by node id Current Price API: the six most recent dispatch prices for requested nodes Node API: node metadata including coordinates for plotting on a map Generation Type API: the last 24 hours of NZ generation aggregated by generation type HVDC Last 24hrs API: the last 24 hours of HVDC flow information Reserves Last 24hrs API: API to return the last 24 hours of aggregated NZ reserve information Reserve Prices API: prices for fast and sustained reserves, by run type, region and date NZ Island Load Last 24hrs API: the last 24 hours of aggregated North and South Island load information Recent Generation API: the recent generation by node id |
Price (updated every five minutes) Load (updated every five minutes) Island Load HVDC Reserves Reserve Prices Generation by Fuel Type |
Market Prices |
Nodes API: node metadata, including coordinates for plotting on a map Average Price API and CSV: average prices by most recent available run type and pricing node Market Price API and CSV: market prices by run type and pricing node Current Price API: the six most recent dispatch prices for requested nodes Reserve Prices API: prices for fast and sustained reserves, by run type, region and date |
Predicted Load by Region (long schedule) Predicted Load by Region (short schedule) Predicted Load by Node Dispatch and Interim Price Price Reports Reserve Prices |
Generation Weighted Average Price (GWAP) and Energy Summary |
Generation Average Weighted Price API and CSV: the generation weighted average price (GWAP) by region and generation type Generation Weighted Average Price and Energy Summary API: the average generation weighted average price and energy generated in GWH summary by date range and generation type Historic Generation Type API and CSV: historic NZ generation information aggregated by generation type |
Load and Generation
The very latest load and generation data from every node in the country, as well as North to South Island electricity flow.
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Real-Time Load, Generation and HVDC (1min) |
Real Time Load API: the latest 1min load value by node Real Time Generation API: the latest 1min generation value by node Real Time HVDC API: the latest 1min HVDC load value by Pole and Net flow |
Generation Capacity
SCADA Load, Generation and HVDC |
Node API: node metadata, including coordinates for plotting on a map SCADA Generation API and CSV: the 30min SCADA Generation by node SCADA HVDC API and CSV: the 30min SCADA HVDC flows SCADA Load API and CSV: the 30min SCADA load by node |
Generation Capacity SCADA Load and Generation Reports |
Peak Demand and Regional Peaks |
Residuals API: residual information for New Zealand and by island for NRS, PRS, RTD and WDS schedules Regional Peaks Last 2Hrs API: Rolling two-hour window of near real-time load by region Regional Peaks Last 48Hrs API and CSV: 30min load data for YESTERDAY and TODAY plus existing MAX, MIN AVG peaks by region Top Regional Peaks API: the current 100 peaks for a requested region and capacity measurement year |
Residuals Regional Peaks Top Regional Peaks RCPD Reports |
Nationwide current and historic half hourly carbon intensity data.
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Current and Historic Carbon Intensity |
Current Carbon Intensity API: the aggregated recent carbon intensity for NZ in the last three trading periods Historic Carbon Intensity API and CSV: the aggregated carbon intensity for NZ by trading date Historic Generation Type API and CSV: historic generation information aggregated by generation type Carbon Intensity and Renewables Percentages Daily Averages API: aggregated carbon intensity and renewable percentages by trading date |
Carbon Emissions NZ Emissions Reports |
National Situation
Reserves information and arc flow data to help you assess the nationwide state of play.
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Aggregated Reserves |
Aggregated Reserves API and CSV: the aggregated reserves for New Zealand by reserve type(s) NZ Reserves Last 24hrs API: the last 24 hours of aggregated NZ reserve information Restricted Reserves Extract API and CSV: the restricted reserves extract by source for specific participants by Restricted Reserves Amount Source API and CSV: the restricted reserves amount by source for specific participants by reserve type(s) |
Reserves Reports Arc Flows Reports |
Arc Flows |
Arc Flows API and CSV: the MW flows scheduled along an arc in the transmission network created by the Transpower SPD application for a single trading date |
SFTP Options
In addition to the above, you can also get data via SFTP:
- Aggregated Reserves download, API and SFTP
- Arc Flows download, API and SFTP
- Reserves by Source and Type SFTP
- Branch Constraints SFTP
- Dispatch Data SFTP
- Branch, Nodes and Market Nodes SFTP